06 April 2012


My photo made it to Reuters! Well I think it wasn't an exceptional photo but it just had to go with the story, I guess. I covered a cruise ship event when it docked in Manila. Two days later, the Azamara Quest caught minor fire in the middle of Sulu Sea when it was on its way to Malaysia.

That's about it. All was well after the fire and I'm glad for the people who were in it were safe, especially the crew members, half of which were Filipino.

Anyway, I was so giddy with my photo's fate and now I am considering that being a photographer would be a good career in the future. Why not, right? Too ambitious? Hmmm. :)


  1. This is great,buddy! What camera are you using? I love taking pictures but I've forgotten most of the stuff the we've learnt in photojournalism class. Did you get credits for this though?

  2. *that we've learnt

    oops fail! Just saw the credits.Good for you!

  3. Just our office videocam..Reuters paid for it and gave proper credit. :)
