What was 2011 for me? It was a year of heartbreaks - especially on friendships. But it only happened on the latter part of the year, and it was very apparent on my Twitter and Facebook posts. Forgive me, I wasn't thinking clearly then. The stoic girl is back now! :)
I'm no longer dwelling on those things that made me sad or really depressed, so I don't like telling the story over again. Let's just say I've never felt so betrayed in life. I value friendships so much and it's just heartbreaking to find out that someone whom you've considered a good friend wasn't true to you all along. I don't get mad very often, but when I do, the enemy must have done something really offensive. Looking back, I can't believe she dragged me down to her jejemon level. She could try to speak or tweet in English, wear branded stuff, but she will always be a jejemon to me. I'm no longer bitter, I'm just saying a fact. Hahahaha!
And another one was uhm, let's just say, the battle between head and heart is the hardest. Yeah, life really sucked then. But I believe all's well now. Things happen for a reason. Cliches are true.
But on a way brighter note, it was also a year of dreams come true. Five months after being an editorial assistant, I moved up one notch as reporter. I was a cub police reporter for three months, and at present, a defense reporter. It was in college when I started dreaming of becoming a reporter because of my super big crush on a military rebel-turned-senator (aha, there are two, care to guess). I even gatecrashed his detention center when I was a student just to interview him, hahaha! I was a big fan like that back then. So every prayer I made when it's my first time to visit a church was that. They said when it's your first time to visit a church you should make three wishes. That dream was one of it. And it came true!
I love my job. I learn something new all the time. Even at times when I think I'm starting to feel bored, it suddenly gets random. I love randomness. Don't get me started or I will rave on and on.
The past year I learned how to let go. I hate throwing cliches but they are true! No one else would help you but yourself, so might as well stop holding on to things that suck the happy vibes out of you. People leave, things change. Some memories aren't worth holding on to.
Despite the drama, I have good memories of 2011. So it was still a notable one.
For 2012, my mantra is to be a QUEEN. I believe that it's my destiny (don't raise eyebrows), although at work I will always be a slave! I hope to read more books and eat less fastfood. McDonald's is evil! If you haven't watched Supersize Me, then go and learn from it.
An astrologer I met in one of my coverages this week told me that this year would be the end of my nine-year cycle, which means there are things in my life that would be put to an end and I should start planning for what I want next year when I get to start a new cycle. It's both scary and exciting. Cheers, 2012.